Improve air quality in your community with the Brum Breathes Fund
Application form guidance
Refer to the relevant numbered page on the application form:
Page 1 – Your contact details
Please provide your contact details.
Creating a Brum account will allow you to save your progress and return to the form later.
Page 2 – About the community organisation
Please provide your organisation details.
The Brum Breathes fund is open to applications from constituted Community Groups in Birmingham with a UK bank account registered in its name.
If you are unable to provide evidence of these documents, please email
Page 3 – About the project
State the project name and indicate Brum Breathes Fund themes the project aligns to.
State which council ward the project will be delivered in. Read more about wards.
Specify whether this is a new project proposal or if the funds applied for will be used to support an existing project, that is a project which has already started.
Timeframe - indicate whether this project will be completed within 12 months or 24 months. Projects which take longer than 24 months to implement may not be considered suitable by the panel, as the timeframe for funding is limited.
Advise how Brum Breathes Fund branding will be displayed on your project. Full brand guidelines and relevant logos will be provided at the start of the project.
Page 4 - Proposal idea and implementation
Describe your proposal idea and how this aims to promote the benefits of cleaner air in your ward, including outputs. Please limit this section to a maximum of 500 words.
Describe how your proposal will be implemented. You should include a project timeline clearly showing all the activities that will take place, with start and end dates.
Page 5 – Project outcomes
Describe your project outcomes, that is the actual added value that results from the output for the community and how these align to the priorities of your ward.
Describe how you will measure success, that is how and when will you know the project has been completed and is successful.
Continuous monitoring of the project is a requirement of the funding. Please indicate any key milestones and how monitoring will be built into your project.
Page 6 – Resources
You should enter the total amount of grant funding you are applying for in pounds. Please note the BBF will not support retrospective costs.
Provide a full breakdown of how the grant will be spent, including the expected date of expenditure (month and year).
Enter details of the preferred supplier; this must be a supplier a quotation has been obtained from.
Procurement – you will be required to submit evidence of quotations received from suppliers. A minimum of three quotations are required for each area of work. Quotations must be valid for a minimum of three months.
Provide details of match/part funding that will be used for this project. Confirmation of external funding will be required before the panel considers the release of BBF grant funding.
Page 7 – Relevant permissions
Please indicate whether Birmingham City Council authorisation/approval is required for your project proposal, and also whether approval has been sought/obtained. For example, if your project involves works on the highways or in parks and open spaces, you will need prior approval from the council for your application to be considered by the panel.
Written confirmation of support must be obtained from your local ward councillor(s) and the project idea agreed at ward forum. Read about ward forum meetings.
Page 8 – Declaration
Check you have included the relevant attachments with your application. Missing documents may result in a delay in processing your application.
Pages 9 and 10 – Review your application and submit
Check all information provided is accurate before submitting.
Page last updated: 10 August 2023